The Cavoniusarchive

The Association also had an archive for educational history named Cavoniusarkivet (named for the first and long-standing chairman of the association, professor Gösta Cavonius). The Archive consisted of historical educational literature, educational journals, old documents belonging to the association, and various items associated with the history of schools and education in Finland. Unfortunately the archive had to be destroyed in lack of resources to maintain it. However a large part of the items were photographed an are now exposed on this site.

Prior to the renovation, the space must be emptied in the academic year 2014-2015. Some more valuable archive material and literature can be placed at the National Archives, in the City of Helsinki archives or at the Swedish Literary Society. The School Museum, Helsinki City Museum and private individuals have taken care of some of the other objects. But a large part has been destroyed. The same goes for the hundreds of posters that were in the space. A small part of the objects and literature has gone to antiques dealer Andrew Eriksson or Bukovsky’s auction house.

To give the collection a continued life to some extent, the association’s secretary has photographed some of the material. Those pictures are presented here, but text for the pictures is missing in many cases.

It is of interest to see how the teaching material has developed and how the posters ‘paintings have shaped previous generations’ perceptions of what the world looks like. The posters can be characterized as factual, boring, exciting or dramatic. For people who have experienced them at school, it is probably one or more of the posters that are recognizable and that give associations of various kinds. The artistic value of the posters varies. Some fish posters in particular are real works of art.

The material has here, as far as possible, been categorized according to the teaching subjects. As no specific area of ​​use has been specified for the posters, the division is a guess. It is clear, however, that some posters were used in primary school, while others, perhaps especially biology posters, were used mainly in the educational institution. As there are many images on the pages, the pages may open quite slowly depending on the capacity of the internet connection and the computer. To avoid that problem and to make the material clear, it has been divided into many pages. For the same reason, many of the images have been reduced, which can sometimes make text difficult to read. The original photos are held by the secretary.